- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 听 hear\HALT \VERB, hearing \NOUN
- 热结 heat bind
- 热结旁流 heat bind with circumfluence
- 热结膀胱 heat binding in the bladder
- 热结肠胃 heat binding in the intestines and stomach
- 热结胃肠 heat binding in the stomach and intestines
- 热结阳明 heat binding in the yang2 brightness
- 热与血结 heat binding with blood
- 热闭 heat block
- 热闭心包 heat blocked in the pericardium
- 热能胜寒 heat can overcome cold
- 热结胸 heat chest bind
- 热霍乱 heat cholera
- 清热法 heat clearing method
- 热秘 heat constipation
- 热咳 heat cough
- 热嗽 heat cough
- 喘满热咳 heat cough with panting and fullness
- 儿热啼 heat crying in infants
- 热伤气 heat damages qi4
- 热伤营阴 heat damaging construction and yin1
- 热伤津气 heat damaging liquid and qi4
- 热伤气阴 heat damaging qi4 and yin1
- 热伤肺络 heat damaging the network vessels of the lung
- 热伤筋脉 heat damaging the sinews