滋水涵木 enrich water to moisten wood滋水制火 enrich water to restrain fire滋阴 enrich yin1滋阴益气 enrich yin1 and boost qi4滋阴益胃 enrich yin1 and boost the stomach滋肝明目 enrich yin1 and brighten the eyes滋阴平肝 enrich yin1 and calm the liver滋阴清热 enrich yin1 and clear heat滋阴清肺 enrich yin1 and clear the lung滋阴疏肝 enrich yin1 and course the liver滋阴利湿 enrich yin1 and disinhibit dampness滋阴降火 enrich yin1 and downbear fire滋阴柔肝 enrich yin1 and emolliate the liver滋阴生津 enrich yin1 and engender liquid滋阴熄风 enrich yin1 and extinguish wind滋阴润燥 enrich yin1 and moisten dryness滋阴润肺 enrich yin1 and moisten the lung滋阴涵阳 enrich yin1 and moisten yang2滋阴养血 enrich yin1 and nourish the blood滋阴收涩 enrich yin1 and promote astriction滋阴解表 enrich yin1 and resolve the exterior滋阴止血 enrich yin1 and stanch bleeding滋阴潜阳 enrich yin1 and subdue yang2滋阴补血 enrich yin1 and supplement the blood滋阴补肾 enrich yin1 and supplement the kidney语际翻译 版权所有
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