生津止汗 engender liquid and check sweating辛寒生津 engender liquid with cold and acridity甘寒生津 engender liquid with cold and sweetness生新血 engender new blood生气 engender qi4生脾胃之津 engender spleen-stomach liquid生津液 engender the fluids生新 engender the new相生 engendering五行相生 engendering among the five phases生化汤 Engendering Transformation Decoction生克乘侮 engendering, restraining, overwhelming, and rebellion生精强肾 engenders essence and strengthens the kidney生津益胃 engenders liquid and boosts the stomach生 engender\HALT \VERB, engenderment \NOUN按之没指 engulfs the fingers when pressure is applied修 enhance增进食欲 enhance the appetite腹大 enlarged abdomen肚大青筋 enlarged abdomen with green-blue vessels腹大脐突 enlarged abdomen with protuberant navel舌体胖 enlarged tongue舌胖大 enlarged tongue舌胖 enlarged tongue胖大舌 enlarged tongue语际翻译 版权所有
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