- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 久痢 enduring dysentery
- 虚寒久痢 enduring dysentery due to vacuity cold
- 久头痛 enduring headache
- 久病 enduring illness
- 内有久寒 enduring internal cold
- 陈久痼寒 enduring intractable cold
- 久瘖 enduring loss of voice
- 久喑 enduring loss of voice
- 久疟 enduring malaria
- 经久闭 enduring menstrual block
- 久痛入络 enduring pain entering the network vessels
- 大便久溏 enduring sloppy stool
- 久 enduring\HALT \ADJ
- 导法 enema
- 导便 enema
- 灌肠疗法 enema therapy
- 生血 engender blood
- 生精血 engender essence and blood
- 生精益髓 engender essence and boost marrow
- 生肌长肉 engender flesh
- 生肌 engender flesh
- 生肌收口 engender flesh and close wounds
- 生肌定痛 engender flesh and stabilitze pain
- 生津 engender liquid
- 生津止渴 engender liquid and allay thirst