全染色体单体,(同源)嵌合体(有丝分裂不分离) Whole chrom monosomy mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)全染色体单体性,减数分裂不离 Whole chromosome monosomy meiotic nondisjunction全染色体三体性,减数分裂不分离 Whole chromosome trisomy meiotic nondisjunction全染色体三体性,(同源)嵌合体(有丝分裂不分离) Whole chromosome trisomy mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)副百日咳博代氏杆菌百日咳 Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis博德特杆菌百日咳 Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis博德特杆菌支气管败血性百日咳 Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species百日咳 NOS Whooping cough unspecified新生儿宽颅缝 Wide cranial sutures of newborn威尔逊-米基迪综合征 Wilson-Mikity syndrome维斯科特-奥尔德里奇综合征 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome新生儿使用治疗性药物所致的脱瘾性症状 Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn工作相关情况 Work-related condition伤口蝇蛆病 Wound myiasis腕或足下垂(后天性) Wrist or foot drop (acquired)输液时液体给错 Wrong fluid used in infusion语际翻译 版权所有
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