B族链球菌引起的新生儿脓毒症 Sepsis of newborn due to streptococcus group B厌氧菌性败血病 Septicaemia due to anaerobes流感嗜血杆引起的败血病 Septicaemia due to Haemophilus influenzae其他革兰氏阴性病原体引起的败血病 Septicaemia due to other Gram-negative organisms凝固阴性葡萄球菌引起的败血病 Septicaemia due to other specified staphylococcus金黄色酿脓葡萄球菌引起的败血病 Septicaemia due to Staphylococcus aureusA族链球菌引起的败血病 Septicaemia due to streptococcus group AB族链球菌引起的败血病 Septicaemia due to streptococcus group BD族链球菌引起的败血病 Septicaemia due to streptococcus group D肺炎球菌性败血症 Septicaemia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae未特指的葡萄球菌引起的敗血病 Septicaemia due to unspecified staphylococcus未特指的败血病 Septicaemia unspecified未特指的败血病 SEPTICAEMIA UNSPECIFIED败血症性鼠疫 Septicaemic plague视(神经)中隔发育不良 Septo-optic dysplasia治疗中使用药物、药剂和生物制品引起有害效应的后遗症 Seq adv effects caused by drugs medics/bio subs therap use与在疹断和治疗中使用医疗装置的关的有害事件的后遗症 Seq adverse incs assoc with med devs in diag and therap use仅根据涉及体表范围分类的烧伤、腐蚀伤和冻伤后遗症 Seq burn and corros class only accord extent body surf invol下肢挤压伤和创伤性切断后遗症 Seq of crush injury and traumatic amputation of lower limb上肢挤压伤和创伤性切断的后遗症 Seq of crush injury and traumatic amputation of upper limb通过自然腔口进入的异物效应的后遗症 Seq of effects foreign body entering through natural orifice药物、药剂和生物制品中毒后遗症 Seq of poisoning by drugs medicaments & biological subs颈和躯干浅表损伤和开放性伤口后遗症 Seq of superficial injury and open wound of neck and trunk主要为非药用物质毒性效应的后遗症 Seq of toxic effects subs chiefly nonmedicinal as to source在手术或医疗操作中对病人的意外事故的后遗症 Sequ misadventures to patients during surgical and med procs语际翻译 版权所有
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