- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 维生素C缺乏后遗症 Sequelae of vitamin C deficiency
- 作战行动引起的晚期效应 Sequelae of war operations
- 肺隔离症 Sequestration of lung
- 血清反应阴性的类风湿性关节炎 Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis
- 血清反应阳性的类风湿性关节炎,未特指 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis unspecified
- 急性消化性溃疡,部位未特指,伴出血 Serous retinal detachment
- 其他炎性多神经病 Serum neuropathy
- 重度精神发育迟滞,其他行为缺陷 Sev mental retard sign impairm behav req attent /treatment
- 显著的重度精神发育迟滞,需要加以治疗或关注 Sev mental retard with statement no or min impairm behav
- 重度酒精中毒 Severe alcohol intoxication
- 新生儿重度窒息 Severe birth asphyxia
- 重度宫颈发育不良,NEC Severe cervical dysplasia not elsewhere classified
- 严重的联合缺陷[SICD]伴有低或正常数量的B细胞 Severe combined immunodef with low or normal B-cell numbers
- 严重的联合免疫缺陷[SICD]伴有低数量的T和B细胞 Severe combined immunodef with low T- and B-cell numbers
- 严重的联合免疫缺陷[SCID]伴有网状组织发育不全 Severe combined immunodefiency with reticular dysgenesis
- 更年期忧郁症 Severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms
- 重度抑郁发作伴有精神病性症状 Severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms
- 其他产褥期精神障碍 Severe mental and behav disorder ass with puerperium NEC
- 无或轻微的极重度精神发育迟滞 Severe mental retard without mention of impairment of behav
- 重度精神发育迟滞,未提及行为缺陷 Severe mental retardation other impairments of behaviour
- 重度先兆子痫 Severe pre-eclampsia
- 重度阴道发育不良,NEC Severe vaginal dysplasia not elsewhere classified
- 重度外阴发育不良,NEC Severe vulvar dysplasia not elsewhere classified
- 性染色体异常,女性表型 NOS Sex chromosome abnormality female phenotype
- 性染色体异常,男性表型 NOS Sex chromosome abnormality male phenotype