抗凝拮抗剂、维生素K和其他凝血药中毒 Poisoning by anticoagulant antagons vit K & oth coagulants抗凝血药意外中毒 Poisoning by anticoagulants止泻药物意外中毒 Poisoning by antidiarrhoeal drugs解酒药中毒 Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents NEC抗癫痫、抗惊厥类药物中毒 NOS Poisoning by antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs unsp抗霉菌性抗生素 Poisoning by antifungal antibiotics systemically used抗促性腺激素药、抗雌激素药、抗雄激素药中毒,NEC Poisoning by antigonadotropsantiestrogens抗高脂血症和抗动脉硬化药中毒 Poisoning by antihyperlipidaemic & antiarteriosclerotic drug抗菌素疟疾和对其他血液原生物有作用的药中毒 Poisoning by antimalarials & drugs act on oth blood protozoa异烟肼[雷米封]中毒 Poisoning by antimycobacterial drugs抗肿瘤药和免疫抑制剂中毒 Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs抗震颤麻痹药和其他中枢神经系统肌肉张力抑制剂中毒 Poisoning by antipark drug & oth cent muscle-tone depressant抗风湿药中毒 NEC Poisoning by antirheumatics not elsewhere classified抗甲状腺药中毒 Poisoning by antithyroid drugs镇咳剂中毒 Poisoning by antitussives抗静脉曲张药中毒,包括硬化剂 Poisoning by antivaricose drugs incl sclerosing agents抗病毒药中毒 Poisoning by antiviral drugs食欲抑制剂中毒 Poisoning by appetite depressants巴比妥盐类中毒 Poisoning by Barbiturates安定剂中毒 Poisoning by Benzodiazepinesβ肾上腺素能受体拮抗剂中毒,NEC Poisoning by beta adrenoreceptor antagonists NEC氟哌啶醇[氟哌丁苯]中毒 Poisoning by Butyrophenone and thioxanthene neuroleptics钙通道阻滞剂中毒 Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers大麻类(衍生物)中毒 Poisoning by Cannabis (derivatives)强心剂中毒 Poisoning by cardiac-stim glycosides & drugs of sim action语际翻译 版权所有
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