- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 梅毒性腹膜炎 Mastoiditis unspecified
- 为胎儿(可疑)染色体异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for (suspected) chromosomal abnormality in fetus
- 为母体病毒性疾病损害给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for (suspected) dam to fetus viral dis in mother
- 为其他医疗操作所致胎儿的损害给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for (suspected) damage to fetus by oth med procs
- 为胎儿的异常和损害给予的孕产妇医疗 NOS Mat care for (suspected) fet abnormality and damage
- 为由于骨盆变形引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for disproportion due to deform of mat pelvic bone
- 为由于骨盆狭窄引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for disproportion due to generaly contracted pelv
- 为由于骨盆入口狭窄引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for disproportion due to inlet contraction of pelv
- 为由于其他胎儿变形引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities
- 为骨盆出口狭窄引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for disproportion due to outlet contract of pelvis
- 为由于母体和胎儿混合性原因引起的胎盆不称给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for disproportion of mixd maternal and fetal orig
- 为多胎妊娠伴有一个或多个胎儿异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for multiple gest with malpresent one fet or more
- 为其他(可疑)胎儿异常和损害给予的孕产妇医疗 Mat care for other (suspected) fetal abnormality and damage
- 为以前的子宫手术瘢痕给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care due to uterine scar from previous surgery
- 为胎儿(可疑)中枢神经系统畸形给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for (suspected) CNS malformation in fetus
- 为药物所致胎儿的(可疑)损害给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus by drugs
- 为辐射所致胎儿的(可疑)损害给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus by radiation
- 为酒精所致胎儿的(可疑)损害给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from alcohol
- 为胎儿遗传性疾病给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for (suspected) hereditary disease in fetus
- 为盆腔囊肿给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for abnormality of pelvic organ unspecified
- 为阴道异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for abnormality of vagina
- 为外阴和会阴异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for abnormality of vulva and perineum
- 为臀先露给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for breech presentation
- 为子宫颈机能不全给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for cervical incompetence
- 为复合先露异常给予的孕产妇医疗 Maternal care for compound presentation