- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 骨折内固定物植入感染 Infect and inflamm react due int fixation dev [any site]
- 心脏瓣膜假体引起的感染和炎症性反应 Infect and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve pros
- 内部关节假体引起的感染和炎症性反应 Infect and inflammatory reaction due to internal joint pros
- 生殖道中的假体装置、植入物和移植物引起的感染和炎症性反应 Infect inflam react due pros dev implant graft in gen tract
- 泌尿系统中的假体装置、植入物和移植物引起的感染和炎症性反应 Infect inflam react due pros dev implt & graft urinary syst
- 其他心脏和血管装置、植入物和移植物引起的感染和炎症性反应 Infect inflamm reac due oth card vasc devs implant and graft
- 感染性鞘膜水积液 Infected hydrocele
- 与人工授精有关的感染 Infection associated with artificial insemination
- 手术后伤口感染 Infection following a procedure not elsewhere classified
- 接种后败血症 Infection following immunization
- 羊膜囊和胎膜的感染 Infection of amniotic sac and membranes
- 截断术残端的感染 Infection of amputation stump
- 椎间盘感染(脓性) Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic)
- 产褥期乳头感染 Infection of nipple associated with childbirth
- 产科术后伤口感染 Infection of obstetric surgical wound
- 先天性感染(特发于围生期感染 NOS) Infection specific to the perinatal period unspecified
- 输液、输血和治疗性注射后的感染 Infections following infusion transfusion & therap inject
- 妊娠合并膀胱感染 Infections of bladder in pregnancy
- 妊娠合并肾盂肾炎 Infections of kidney in pregnancy
- 妊娠期泌尿道其他部位感染 Infections of other parts of urinary tract in pregnancy
- 妊娠期生殖道感染 Infections of the genital tract in pregnancy
- 妊娠期尿道感染 Infections of urethra in pregnancy
- 传染性单核细胞增多症 NOS Infectious mononucleosis unspecified
- 耳结缔组织交界性肿瘤 Infective dermatitis
- 肛门搔痒症 Infective myocarditis