- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 咯血 Haemoptysis
- 术后出血或血肿 NEC Haemorrhage and haematoma complicating a procedure NEC
- 呼吸道出血 Haemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages
- 呼吸道出血 NOS Haemorrhage from respiratory passages unspecified
- 咽出血 Haemorrhage from throat
- 早期妊娠出血 NOS Haemorrhage in early pregnancy unspecified
- 出血流入双胎之另一胎儿 Haemorrhage into co-twin
- 出血流入母体循环 Haemorrhage into maternal circulation
- 出血,不可归类在他处者 Haemorrhage not elsewhere classified
- 拉特克囊良性肿瘤 (M93500/0) Haemorrhage of anus and rectum
- 出血性情况,未特指 Haemorrhagic condition unspecified
- 胎儿和新生儿出血性疾病 Haemorrhagic disease of fetus and newborn
- 由于循环抗凝物引起的出血性疾患 Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants
- 出血热伴有肾综合征 Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
- 妊娠期痔 Haemorrhoids in pregnancy
- 产褥期痔 Haemorrhoids in the puerperium
- 其他特指的胸膜情况 Haemothorax
- 地中海贫血特性 Hair colour and hair shaft abnormality unspecified
- 头发移植 Hair transplant
- 皮肤其他良性肿瘤 Hairy leukoplakia
- 毛细胞性白血病 (M99400/3) Hairy-cell leukaemia
- 口臭 Halitosis
- 进行性核上性眼肌麻痹[斯蒂尔-里查森-奥尔谢夫斯基] Hallervorden-Spatz disease
- 幻觉 NOS Hallucinations unspecified
- 僵拇(足) Hallux rigidus