- 医学病症与手术术语英语翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 其他非器质性性功能障碍 Excessive sexual drive
- 妊娠期体重过度增加 Excessive weight gain in pregnancy
- 眼睑良性肿瘤 Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes
- 骨交界恶性肿瘤 Exfoliative dermatitis
- 用力过度 Exhaustion due to excessive exertion
- 暴露于(不良环境)引起的衰竭 Exhaustion due to exposure
- 窥淫症 Exhibitionism
- 先天性脐疝 Exomphalos
- 牙髓炎 Exophthalmic conditions
- 祛痰剂类引起的有害效应 Expectorants
- 暴露于空气污染的问题 Exposure to air pollution
- 暴露于灾害、战争和其他敌对行为问题 Exposure to disaster war and other hostilities
- 暴露于噪音的问题 Exposure to noise
- 暴露于其他污染的问题 Exposure to other pollution
- 暴露于辐射的问题 Exposure to radiation
- 暴露于土壤污染的问题 Exposure to soil pollution
- 暴露于水污染的问题 Exposure to water pollution
- 感受性语言障碍 Expressive language disorder
- 膀胱外翻 Exstrophy of urinary bladder
- 皮下异物肉芽肿 External haemorrhoids with other complications
- 其他皮肤肉芽肿性疾患 External haemorrhoids without complication
- 外部水蛭病 External hirudiniasis
- 面部肉芽肿[皮肤嗜酸性细胞肉芽肿] External thrombosed haemorrhoids
- 额外标记染色体 Extra marker chromosomes
- 体外透析 Extracorporeal dialysis