脑震荡 CONCUSSION脑震荡 CONCUSSION颈部脊髓的震荡和水肿 Concussion and oedema of cervical spinal cord腰部脊髓的震荡和水肿 Concussion and oedema of lumbar spinal cord胸部脊髓的震荡和水肿 Concussion and oedema of thoracic spinal cord特发于胎儿和新生儿的体被情况 NOS Condition of integument specific to fetus and newborn uns起源于围生期的情况 NOS Condition originating in the perinatal period unspecified未社会化的品行障碍 Conduct disorder confined to the family context抑郁性品行障碍 Conduct disorder unspecified脂肪肝 Conduct hear loss unilat unrestric hearing contralat side光泽苔癣 Conduction disorder unspecified炎性肝脏疾病,未特指 Conductive hearing loss bilateral慢性被动性肝郁血 Conductive hearing loss unspecified大肠先天性闭锁、缺如和狭窄 NOS Cong absce atresia and sten of large intest part unspec先天性小肠狭窄、闭锁 Cong absce atresia and stenosis small intestine part unspec先天性外耳道狭窄或闭锁 Cong absence atresia & stricture auditory canal (external)肛门先天性缺如、闭锁和狭窄伴有瘘 Cong absence atresia and stenosis anus with fistula肛门先天性缺如、闭锁和狭窄不伴有瘘 Cong absence atresia and stenosis anus without fistula直肠先天性缺如、闭锁和狭窄伴有瘘 Cong absence atresia and stenosis of rectum with fistula直肠先天性缺如、闭锁和狭窄不伴有瘘 Cong absence atresia and stenosis rectum without fistula先天性上臂和前臂缺如,伴有手的存在 Cong absence of upper arm and forearm with hand present先天性子宫和消化道、泌尿道之间的瘘 Cong fistulae btwn uterus and digestive and urinary tracts先天性无耳 Cong malform of ear causing impairment of hearing unspec先天性面部畸形综合症 Cong malform syndromes predom affect facial appearance主要与短身材有关的先天性畸形综合征 Cong malform syndromes predomin assoc with short stature语际翻译 版权所有
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