其他器官、系统和组织标本的异常所见 Abn finds specs oth organs abn microbiol finds神经系统反应异常 Abn results function studies periph nervous sys spec sense脑电图[EEG]异常 Abn results of function studies of central nervous system其他器官和系统功能检查的异常结果 Abn results of function studies of other organs and systems孕产妇产前筛选检查的生物化学异常 Abnorm biochemical finding on antenatal screen of mother孕产妇产前筛选检查的细胞学异常 Abnorm cytological finding on antenatal screening of mother脑脊液发现异常药物和生物制品 Abnorm find CSF abnorm level oth drugs meds and biolog subs脑脊液内发现非药物性物品 Abnorm find CSF abnorm level subs chiefly nonmedicinal脑脊液内发现异常酶 Abnorm find in cerebrospinal fluid abnorm level of enzymes脑脊液内发现异常激素 Abnorm find in cerebrospinal fluid abnorm level of hormones呼吸器官和胸腔标本的异常所见 Abnorm find in spec from resp org & thorax abnorm lev enzym呼吸器官和胸腔标本的异常所见 Abnorm find in spec from resp org & thorax abnrm lev horm尿的细胞学和组织学检查的异常所见 Abnorm find on cytological and histological examin of urine脑脊液内发现免疫物质 Abnorm findings in CSF abnormal immunological findings孕产妇产前筛选检查的血液学异常 Abnorm haematologic find on antenatal screening of mother尿内主要为非药用物质的水平异常 Abnorm urine levels of subs chiefly nonmedicinal sources肠鸣音异常 Abnormal bowel sounds血液化学的异常所见 NOS Abnormal finding of blood chemistry unspecified未特指的孕产妇产前筛选检查的异常 Abnormal finding on antenatal screening of mother脑脊液细胞学异常 Abnormal findings in CSF abnormal cytological findings脑脊液组织学检查异常 Abnormal findings in CSF abnormal histological findings脑脊液微生物学检查异常 Abnormal findings in CSF abnormal microbiological findings脑脊液其他异常发现 Abnormal findings in CSF other abnormal findings脑脊液异常 NOS Abnormal findings in CSF unspecified abnormal finding乳房诊断性影像检查的异常所见 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of breast语际翻译 版权所有
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