- 中文饮食、菜名词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 松子鲜鲈鱼 Steamed perch with pine nuts
- 清蒸鲈鱼 Steamed perch with scallion and black beans
- 清蒸肥鸽 Steamed pigeon
- 灌汤饺 Steamed pork dumplings in soup
- 梅子蒸肉排 Steamed pork rib in plum sauce
- 腐乳扣肉 Steamed pork with preserved bean curd
- 粉蒸肉 Steamed pork with rice
- 米饭蒸肉 Steamed pork with rice
- 荷叶粉蒸肉 Steamed pork wrapped in lotus leaf
- 蒸糕 Steamed pudding
- 白饭 Steamed rice
- 煎蛋叉烧饭 Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg
- 窝蛋牛肉饭 Steamed rice with beef and poached egg
- 鸡球饭 Steamed rice with chicken
- 菜生鱼片饭 Steamed rice with sliced fish and vegetable
- 咸鱼蒸鲜鱼 Steamed salt fish and fresh fish
- 蒸咸鸡胗 Steamed salted chicken gizzards
- 蒸黄花筒 Steamed salted croaker
- 蒸南京咸板鸭 Steamed salted duck,Nanjing style
- 糟肉 Steamed salted pork in wine
- 大蒜干贝 Steamed scallop with garlic
- 蒸梭子蟹 Steamed sea crabs
- 清蒸海鲜 Steamed seafood
- 清蒸白鱼 Steamed silver carp
- 生炊鲳鱼 Steamed silvery pomfret