- 中文饮食、菜名词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 烩鲜蘑豌豆 Fresh mushroom with beans
- 蟹肉鲜菇 Fresh mushroom with crab meat
- 鲜蘑油菜 Fresh mushrooms with rape
- 鲜豌豆饼 Fresh pea pie
- 鱼香干贝 Fresh scallops,Chongqing style
- 珧柱时菜 Fresh seasonal vegetable with scallops
- 鲜鱿鱼 Fresh squid
- 三鲜时菜 Fresh vegetable with“three fresh ingredients“
- 菜胆龙利球 Frid macao sole fish balls with with vegetable
- 蚝油小鲍鱼 Fried abalone in oyster sauce
- 菜远鲍脯 Fried abalone with vegetable heart
- 红烧带鱼 Fried and stewed hairtail in soy sauce
- 红烧刀鱼 Fried and stewed long tailed anchovies in brown sauce
- 炸茨菇片 Fried arrowhead slices
- 煎烟肉 Fried bacon
- 蚝油冬笋 Fried bamboo shoots in oyster sauce
- 锅贴豆腐 Fried bean curd
- 红烧白豆腐 Fried bean curd in soy sauce
- 红烧什肉豆腐 Fried bean curd with mixed meat in brown sauce
- 咸菜烧豆腐 Fried bean curd with salted vegetable
- 豆腐泡炒黄豆芽 Fried bean sprouts with bean curd puffs
- 蚝油牛肉 Fried beef in oyster sauce
- 煎牛肉片蘑菇少司 Fried beef slices with mushroom sauce
- 煎牛里脊扒蛋配菜 Fried beef steak with egg and vegetable
- 咸菜牛肉 Fried beef with salted vegetable