- 中文饮食、菜名词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 锅烧鸭 Fried duck
- 红烧半鸭 Fried duck in soy sauce
- 茄汁煎软鸭 Fried duck in tomato sauce
- 汤片鸭子 Fried duck slice
- 炒鸭舌掌 Fried duck tongue and web
- 菠萝软鸭 Fried duck with pineapple
- 炒鸭肠 Fried duck′s intestines
- 煎粉果莲汤 Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup
- 猪肉锅贴 Fried dumpling with pork
- 锅贴 Fried dumplings
- 煎馄饨 Fried dumplings
- 煎鳝 Fried eel
- 红烧鳝 Fried eel in brown sauce
- 生炒鳝片 Fried eel slices
- 烩敏士托蛋配米饭 Fried egg on minced meat with rice
- 炸春段 Fried egg rolls
- 煎蛋三味夹 Fried egg sandwich
- 煎蛋 Fried eggs
- 清煎鸡蛋 Fried eggs
- 笋菇煎蛋 Fried eggs with mushroom and bamboo shoots
- 炒黄浦蛋 Fried eggs,Shanghai style
- 粉汁里脊片 Fried fillet in sauce
- 面包粉炸鱼 Fried fillet of fish in bread crumbs
- 茄椒葱煎鱼 Fried fillet of fish with tomato and pepper,Spanish style
- 煎鱼 Fried fish