- 中文饮食、菜名词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 四宝汤 “ Four delicacies”soup
- 糟烩鸭四宝 Four duck delicacies
- 四拼盘 Four ingredients hors d′ oeuvres
- 四式扒鸭 Four kinds of braised duck
- 四式美点 Four kinds of pastries
- 素烧四宝 Four vegetable delicacies
- 香脆马蹄糕 Fragrant crisp water chestnut cake
- 香麻百花糕 “ Fragrant sesame flower”cakes
- 姜汁扁豆 French beans with ginger sauce
- 法国面包 French bread
- 法国椰子布丁 French coconut pudding
- 法国鱼汤 French fish coup
- 法国焗芝士汤 French onion soup
- 焗乳酪面包汤 French onion soup
- 法式橙烩鸭 French style duck with orange zest and curacao sauce
- 法式猪排 French style pork chop
- 法国浓汤 French thick soup
- 鲜鲍 Fresh abalone
- 鲜肉咸肉炖萝卜汤 Fresh and salted pork with turnips in woup
- 肉蟹 Fresh crab
- 酱麻油拌黄瓜 Fresh cucumber in soy sauce with sesame oil
- 鲜黄瓜沙拉 Fresh cucumber salad
- 宫保墨鱼 Fresh cuttlefish in chili sauce with peanuts
- 鲜鱼馄饨汤 Fresh fish won ton soup(dumpling)
- 鲜水果沙拉 Fresh fruit salad