鬼马天堂 Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise豪门孽债 Reversal of Fortune怒火山河 Revolution八月狂想曲 Rhapsody in August猛龙劲歌 Rhinestone荣华富贵 Rich and Famous威威阔少爷(财神当家) Richie Rich天危绝网 Ricochet与魔鬼共骑 Ride with the Devil荒谬奇缘 Ridicule与男孩同车 Riding in Cars with Boys魔茧 Rift, The禁止的拥抱 Right Hand Man, The征空先锋(太空先锋) Right Stuff, The午夜凶铃 Ring, The地头龙 Rip-Off, The皇牌杂差续集 Ripoux Contre Ripoux狂人阿敏 Rise and Fall of Idi Amin旭日追凶(旭日东升) Rising Sun乖仔也疯狂(保送入学) Risky Business大河恋 River Runs Through It, A狂野之河(惊涛骇浪) River Wild, The黄金国之路 Road to El Dorado, The窈窕疯人院 Road to Wellville, The旅途 Road Trip