- 经济金融术语汉英对照表 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 戴帽贷款 ear-marked loans
- 基本经济要素 economic fundamentals
- 经济体制改革 economic reform
- 经济制裁 economic sanction
- 经济增长减速 economic slowdown;moderation in economic growth
- 规模效益 economies of scale
- 有效供给 effective supply
- 强制措施 enforcement action
- 企业所得税 enterprise (corporate) income tax
- 企业领导班子 enterprise management
- 企业办社会 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities
- 委托存款 entrusted deposits
- 自有资金 equity fund
- 国有资产流失 erosion of state assets
- 备付金(超额准备金) excess reserves
- 过度竞争 excessive competition
- 过度膨胀 excessive expansion
- 片面追求发展速度 excessive pursuit of growth
- 汇率失调 exchange rate misalignment
- 消费税 excise (consumption) tax
- 免二减三 exemption of income tax for the first two years ofmaking profit and 50% tax reduction for thefollowing three years
- 明亏 explicit loss
- 明补 explicit subsidy
- 出口退税 export tax rebate
- 外向型经济 export-oriented economy
当前第1页 共2页