三黄宝蜡丸 Three Yellow Jewels Wax Pill三黄石膏汤 Three Yellows and Gypsum Decoction三黄二香散 Three Yellows and Two Fragrances Powder三黄枳朮丸 Three Yellows Bitter Orange and White Atractylodes*& Pill三黄补血汤 Three Yellows Blood-Supplementing Decoction [NIS]三黄四物汤 Three Yellows Four Agents Decoction三黄泻心汤 Three Yellows Heart-Draining Decoction三黄洗剂 Three Yellows Wash Preparation三黄蜡丸 Three Yellows Wax Pill足三阴经 three yin1 channels of the foot手三阴经 three yin1 channels of the hand三阴交 Three Yin1 Intersection三因 three [categories of] cause [of disease]三 three, third, threefold三物香薷饮 Three-Agent Mosla*& Powder雁来红 three-colored amaranth三棱针 three-edged needle三五七散 Three-Five-Seven Powder刀口药 three-flowered ainsliaea leaf六月寒 three-flowered bluebeard三点金草 three-flowered desmodium金纽子 three-headed kyllinga三一承气汤 Three-In-One Qi4-Coordinating+ Decoction三仁五子丸 Three-Kernel Five-Seed Pill鱼藤 three-leaved derris语际翻译 版权所有
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