三伏 three periods of greatest heat三部 three positions三部九候 three positions and nine indicators产后三急 three postpartum crises产后三脱 three postpartum desertions产后三病 three postpartum diseases产后三冲 three postpartum surges三生饮 Three Raw Agents Beverage三商 Three Shang1三神丸 Three Spirits Pill三石汤 Three Stones Decoction三石散 Three Stones Powder三化汤 Three Transformations Decoction三化复遂汤 Three Transformations Successful Recovery Decoction [NIS]耳背静脉三条 Three Veins on Dorsum of the Ear脊三穴 Three Vertebral Holes三白汤 Three Whites Decoction [NIS]三虫病 three worm diseases三虫 three worms三虫五痔 three worms and five hemorrhoids三阳 Three Yang2足三阳经 three yang2 channels of the foot手三阳经 three yang2 channels of the hand三阳络 Three Yang2 Connection三阳五会 Three Yang2 Fivefold Convergence语际翻译 版权所有
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