- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 针灸甲乙经 The Systematized Canon of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
- 金匮翼 The Wings of the Golden Coffer
- 黄帝内经 The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon
- 陈茶 Theae Folium Vetum
- 陈茗 Theae Folium Vetum
- 菅 themeda
- 菅茅根 themeda root
- 病因学说 theory of causes of disease
- 三因学说 theory of three [categories of] cause
- 治则 therapeutic principle
- 治病法则 therapeutic principle
- 治疗原则 therapeutic principle
- 故 therefore
- 中暍 thermoplegia
- 暍 thermoplegia
- 野决明 thermopsis [stem, leaf, and seed]
- 九仙草 thesium
- 粗 thick
- 大生地 thick dried rehmannia [root]
- 厚苔 thick fur
- 舌苔白厚滑 thick glossy white tongue fur
- 米油 thick rice water
- 舌苔厚而腻 thick slimy tongue fur
- 羹 thick soup
- 杠 thick stick