- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 神农本草经 The Divine Husbandman's Herbal Foundation Canon
- 本草备要 The Essential Herbal Foundation
- 医学入门 The Gateway to Medicine
- 金鉴 The Golden Mirror
- 医宗金鉴 The Golden Mirror of Medicine
- 大成 The Great Compendium
- 针灸大成 The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
- 外科大成 The Great Compendium of External Medicine
- 外科大成 The Great Compendium of External Medicine
- 太平圣惠方 The Great Peace Sagacious Benevolence Formulary
- 类经图翼 The Illustrated Wings of the Classified Canon
- 内经 The Inner Canon
- 证治准绳 The Level-Line of Pattern Identification and Treatment
- 幼科证治准绳 The Level-Line of Pediatric Pattern Identification and Treatment
- 幼科准绳 The Level-Line of Pediatrics
- 灵枢 The Magic Pivot
- 灵枢经 The Magic Pivot
- 诸病源候论 The Origin and Indicators of Disease
- 医学正传 The Orthodox Tradition of Medicine
- 脉经 The Pulse Canon
- 爵 the rank of nobility
- 身之本 the root of the body
- 元见 The Source
- 气血生化之源 the source of blood and qi4 formation
- 甲乙经 The Systematized Canon