鲛鱼皮 shark's skin鲛鲨白 shark's swim bladder锐 sharp员利针 sharp round needle锋 sharp tip or cutting edge锋针 sharp-edged needle聪耳明目 sharpen hearing and brighten the eyes聪耳目 sharpen hearing and vision聪 sharpen the hearing聪耳 sharpen the hearing益智 sharpen the wits骨碎 shattered bone刮 shave桂心 shaved cinnamon bark粉甘草 shaved licorice [root]刮丹皮 shaved moutan [root bark]粉丹皮 shaved moutan [root bark]虾须草 sheareria鞘 sheath活血连 sheathed aconite [root]脱肉破 shedding of Flesh and loss of bulk大肉尽脱 shedding of major masses of flesh大肉消脱 shedding of major masses of flesh脱肉 shedding of the flesh脱形 shedding of the physical body语际翻译 版权所有
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