甚 severe苛 severe深 severe剧 severe剧烈 severe厉 severe甚者从之 severe conditions are treated by coaction重病 severe disease热深厥深 severe heat and severe reversal厉兑 Severe Mouth剧痛 severe pain重证 severe pattern寒重热轻 severe [aversion to] cold and mild heat [effusion]绝骨 severed bone绝骨 Severed Bone绝骨 Severed Bone重伤阳气 severely damage yang2 qi4刀斧折伤 severings by knife or ax缝 sew色 sex性腺 sex glands房 sexual activity色欲 sexual desire生殖机能 sexual function阳痿 sexual importence语际翻译 版权所有
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