- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 调月经 regulate menstruation
- 调经 regulate menstruation
- 调气 regulate qi4
- 调中 regulate the center
- 调中快膈 regulate the center and disinhibit the diaphragm
- 调经止痛 regulate the channels and relieve pain
- 调理肠胃 regulate the stomach and intestines
- 调理冲任 regulate the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
- 调冲 regulate the thoroughfare vessel
- 通调水道 regulate the waterways
- 调水道 regulate the waterways
- 调理阴阳 regulate yin1 and yang2
- 自调 regulated
- 大便自调 regulated stool
- 小便自调 regulated urine
- 调 regulate\HALT \VERB, regulation \NOUN
- 调经理血 regulation menstruation and rectify the blood
- 复康 rehabilitation
- 两地汤 Rehmannia and Lycium Root Bark Decoction
- 地黄饮子 Rehmannia Drink
- 地黄花 rehmannia flower
- 地黄实 rehmannia fruit
- 地黄叶 rehmannia leaf
- 地黄丸 Rehmannia Pill
- 地黄散 Rehmannia Powder