- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 候 reflect
- 意 reflection
- 增水行舟 refloat the grounded ship
- 反流性食管炎 reflux esophagitis
- 反 reflux\HALT \NOUN
- 拒按 refuse pressure
- 拒 refuse\HALT \VERB
- 驳 refute
- 小米草 Regel's euphrasia
- 部 region
- 际 region
- 关外 region outside the pass
- 关内 region within the pass
- 局部性回肠炎 regional ileitis
- 州都之官 Regional Rectifier
- 再生稻 regrown rice plant
- 正经 regular channel
- 正邪 regular evil
- 正水 regular water
- 但代无胃 regularly interrupted only, without stomach
- 代脉 regularly interrupted pulse
- 脉代 regularly interrupted pulse
- 代 regularly interrupted\HALT \ADJ
- 正 regular\HALT \ADJ
- 调养正气 regulate and nourish right qi4