赤痢 red dysentery耳赤 red ears目赤 red eyes目赤目痛 red eyes and eye pain目赤流泪 red eyes and tearing目赤牙痛 red eyes and toothache面赤白 red face面红耳赤 red face and ears面红目赤 red face and eyes面红壮热 red face and vigorous heat [effusion] (fever)赤面风 red face wind面色红 red facial complexion面红 red facial complexion赤炎疮 red flaming sore赤肉 red flesh红崩白带 red flooding and white discharge面色胀红 red flushed facial complexion赤霜散 Red Frost Powder红参 red ginseng红石膏 red gypsum红色如涂丹 red in color as though smeared with cinnabar赤曲 red infested rice红米 red infested rice红米 red infested rice红曲 red infested rice语际翻译 版权所有
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