- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 理气消胀 rectify qi4 and disperse distention
- 理气降逆 rectify qi4 and downbear counterflow
- 理气除胀 rectify qi4 and eliminate distention
- 理气健脾 rectify qi4 and fortify the spleen
- 理气和营 rectify qi4 and harmonize construction
- 理气和中 rectify qi4 and harmonize the center
- 理气和胃 rectify qi4 and harmonize the stomach
- 理气宽胸 rectify qi4 and loosen the chest
- 理气行滞 rectify qi4 and move stagnation
- 理气开郁 rectify qi4 and open depression
- 理气开胃 rectify qi4 and open the stomach
- 理气活结 rectify qi4 and quicken binds
- 理气调经 rectify qi4 and regulate menstruation
- 理气止痛 rectify qi4 and relieve pain
- 理气化湿 rectify qi4 and transform dampness
- 理气化痰 rectify qi4 and transform phlegm
- 理气逆 rectify qi4 counterflow
- 芳香理气 rectify qi4 with aromatics
- 理血 rectify the blood
- 理中 rectify the center
- 理脾 rectify the spleen
- 理脾和胃 rectify the spleen and harmonize the stomach
- 理苓汤 Rectifying Poria Decoction
- 理 rectify\HALT \VERB, rectification \NOUN
- 直肠 Rectum