- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 安眠(三) Quiet Sleep \#3
- 安眠(四) Quiet Sleep \#4
- 安中 quiet the center
- 安胎 quiet the fetus
- 安胎和中 quiet the fetus and harmonize the center
- 安心 quiet the heart
- 宁心 quiet the heart
- 宁心开窍 quiet the heart and open the orifices
- 宁心神 quiet the heart spirit
- 安精神 quiet the spirit
- 安神 quiet the spirit
- 安神益志 quiet the spirit and boost the mind
- 安神和胃 quiet the spirit and harmonize the stomach
- 安神定志 quiet the spirit and stabilize the mind
- 重镇安神 quiet the spirit by heavy settling
- 重镇安神 quiet the spirit with heavy settlers
- 安脾 quiet the spleen
- 安邪 Quieting of Evil
- 安 quiet\HALT \VERB
- 宁 quiet\HALT \VERB
- 官桂 quilled cinnamon [bark]
- 桂通 quilled cinnamon [bark]
- 使君子大黄粉 Quisqualis and Rhubarb Powder
- 使君子叶 quisqualis leaf
- 使君子丸 Quisqualis Pill