- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 钱匕 qian2-spoon
- 钱 qian2>
- 钱氏白朮散 Qian2>'s White Atractylodes*& Powder
- 秦 Qin2>
- 清 Qing1>
- 茱苓草 Qingling gentian
- 四合汤 Quadruple Combination Decoction [NIS]
- 四合脉 quadruple combined pulse
- 四制香附丸 Quadruply Processed Cyperus Pill
- 顿服 quaff
- 鹌 quail
- 鹌鹑 quail
- 鹌鹑蛋 quail's egg
- 发音 quality of voice and enunciation
- 分量 quantity
- 量 quantity
- 三日疟 quartan malaria
- 伐 quell
- 伐肝 quell the liver
- 淬 quench\HALT \VERB, quenching \NOUN
- 疾 quick
- 速 quick
- 徐疾补泻 quick and slow supplementation and drainage
- 疾徐补泻 quick and slow supplementation and drainage
- 燀 quick-boil