- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 睾丸肿胀疼痛 pain, swelling, and distention of the testicles
- 肢节疼痛肿大 pain, swelling, and enlargement of the limb joints
- 趁痛散 Pain-Alleviating Powder [NIS]
- 定痛膏 Pain-Relieving Paste
- 定痛丸 Pain-Relieving Pill
- 疼如折 painful as if fit to break
- 痛泻 painful diarrhea
- 胸胁胀满 painful distention in the chest and rib-side
- 睾丸胀痛 painful distention of the testicles
- 痔疮疼痛 painful hemorrhoids
- 痛痹 painful impediment
- 伤痛宁片 Painful Injury Tablet
- 虫蝎螫痛 painful insect and scorpion stings
- 目瞳痒痛 painful itching pupils
- 瞳子痒痛 painful itching pupils
- 肢节疼痛 painful limb joints
- 痛经 painful menstruation
- 外肾吊痛 painful pendulous external kidney
- 阴器下纵引痛 painful protraction of the genitals
- 阴器下纵痛 painful protraction of the genitals
- 齿龈红肿热痛 painful red hot swollen gums sore
- 目赤痛内眦始 painful redness of the eyes spreading from the inner canthus
- 睾丸坠痛 painful sagging f the testicles
- 睾丸坠痛 painful sagging of the testicles
- 妊娠小便淋痛 painful stranguric urination in pregnancy