- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 心中疼热 pain and heat in the heart
- 茎中痛痒 pain and itching in the penis
- 脊背强痛 pain and stiffness in the spine and back
- 外伤肿痛 pain and swelling due to external injury
- 血瘀肿痛 pain and swelling from static blood
- 膝肿痛 pain and swelling of the knee
- 淫泺 pain and weakness
- 淫泺胫酸 pain and weakness in the lower leg
- 环脐而痛 pain around the navel
- 绕脐疼痛 pain around the umbilicus
- 绕脐痛 pain around the umbilicus
- 头角痛 pain at the corners of the head
- 巅顶痛 pain at the vertex
- 虚里 pain at vacuous li
- 心下痛 pain below the heart
- 攻痛 pain coming in attacks
- 胃中寒气疼痛 pain due to cold qi4 in the stomach
- 遇寒痛加重 pain exacerbated by exposure to cold
- 痛不可近 pain exacerbated by the slightest pressure
- 肩痛不可举 pain in and inability to lift the shoulder
- 心腹疼痛 pain in heart [region] and abdomen
- 颈项疼痛 pain in neck and nape
- 腹中痛 pain in the abdomen
- 目眦痛 pain in the canthus
- 胸痛 pain in the chest