- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 口腔扁平苔癣 oral lichen planus
- 口服液 oral liquid
- 口腐 oral putrefaction
- 口糜 oral putrescence
- 经行口糜 oral putrescence during menstruation
- 内服膏剂 orally taken paste
- 滋膏 orally taken paste
- 口 oral\HALT \ADJ
- 橙 orange
- 九里香根 orange jessamine root
- 九里香 orange jessamine [twig and leaf]
- 地莓子 orange rasberry [root]
- 眼轮匝肌 orbicular muscle of the eye
- 口轮匝肌 orbicular muscle of the mouth
- 兰 orchid
- 睾丸固定术 orchiopexy
- 睾丸炎 orchitis
- 腮腺性睪丸炎 orchitis variolosa
- 秩 order
- 条达 orderly reaching
- 素有 ordinarily having (suffering from)
- 牛毛七 oreas
- 小岩白菜 oreocharis
- 器 organ
- 器官 organ