- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 阴阳对立 opposition yin1 and yang2
- 膈间闷热 oppresion and heat in the diaphragm
- 掯 oppress
- 气闷痰多 oppressed breathing and copious phlegm
- 悗 oppression
- 胸胁闷痛 oppression and pain in the chest and rib-side84
- 脘闷纳呆 oppression in teh stomach duct and torpid intake
- 胸前憋闷 oppression in the anterior chest
- 胸闷 oppression in the chest
- 胸闷不畅 oppression in the chest
- 胸闷不食 oppression in the chest and inability to eat
- 胸脘发闷 oppression in the chest and stomach duct
- 胸闷喜长吁 oppression in the chest with a liking for long exhalation
- 胸闷呕吐 oppression in the chest, retching, and vomiting
- 心胸郁闷 oppression in the heart and chest
- 脘闷少食 oppression in the stomach duct and reduced food intake
- 闷 oppression\HALT \NOUN
- 梦魇 oppressive ghost dreams
- 梦魇不宁 oppressive ghost dreams
- 闷痛 oppressive pain
- 视神经萎缩 optic atrophy
- 眼神经 optic nerve
- 视神经炎 optic neuritis
- 口腔 oral cavity
- 口疳 oral gan1