养阴 nourish yin1养阴清肺 nourish yin1 and clear the lung养阴生肌 nourish yin1 and engender flesh养阴生津 nourish yin1 and engender liquid养阴润燥 nourish yin1 and moisten dryness养阴解表 nourish yin1 and resolve the exterior养阴潜阳 nourish yin1 and subdue yang2滋养阴津 nourish yin1 liquid养阴益精 nourishes yin1 and boosts essence补养强壮 nourishment and invigoration养 nourish\HALT \VERB, nourishment \NOUN乍疏乍数 now relaxed, now rapid石龙芮 noxious ranunculus石龙芮子 noxious ranunculus fruit核仁 nucleolus舌麻 numb tongue号 number数 number壮数 number of cones帖数 number of packets麻风 numbing wind麻疯 numbing wind不仁 numbness麻木 numbness (and tingling)发麻 numbness (and tingling)语际翻译 版权所有
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