蚕羌 notopterygium [root]羌蒡蒲薄汤 Notopterygium, Arctium, Dandelion, and Mint Decoction滋养气血 nourish qi4 and blood养胃阴 nourish stomach yin1养血 nourish the blood养血益精 nourish the blood and boost essence养血明目 nourish the blood and brighten the eyes养血柔肝 nourish the blood and emolliate the liver养血生肌 nourish the blood and engender flesh养血荣筋 nourish the blood and enhance the sinews养血滋阴 nourish the blood and enrich yin养血熄风 nourish the blood and extinguish wind养血通脉 nourish the blood and free the vessels养血润燥 nourish the blood and moisten dryness养血安心 nourish the blood and quiet the heart养血调经 nourish the blood and regulate menstruation养血解表 nourish the blood and resolve the exterior养血镇逆 nourish the blood and settle counterflow养胎 nourish the fetus养津液 nourish the fluids养心 nourish the heart养心安神 nourish the heart and quiet the spirit养肝 nourish the liver养肝明目 nourish the liver and brighten the eyes养胃 nourish the stomach语际翻译 版权所有
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