- 台湾中医术语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 月事不来 absence of menses
- 不月 absence of menses
- 月经不潮 absence of menstruation
- 无气滞血滞 absence of qi4 and blood stagnation
- 无胃气 absence of stomach qi4
- 汗不出 absence of sweating
- 无出 absence of sweating
- 无汗 absence of sweating
- 不口渴 absence of thirst
- 口不渴 absence of thirst
- 吸收 absorption
- 纳 absorption\HALT \NOUN
- 恍 abstraction
- 神志恍惚 abstraction
- 精神恍惚 abstraction
- 恍惚善忘 abstraction and forgetfulness
- 神思恍惚 abstraction of the spirit
- 谬 absurd
- 殷 abundance
- 气血充沛 abundance of qi4 and blood
- 裕 abundant
- 渊 abyss
- 渊液 Abyss Humor
- 五加叶 acanthopanax leaf
- 五加皮丸 Acanthopanax Pill