饮食入而不运 ability to take in, but not to move food能 able to失常 abnormal异 abnormal无常 abnormal阴阳偏衰 abnormal debilitation of yin1 and yang2阴阳偏盛 abnormal exuberance of yin1 and yang2癖嗜 abnormal habit哭笑无常 abnormal laughing and weeping逆传 abnormal passage逆传心包 abnormal passage to the pericardium异气 abnormal qi4悲喜不常 abnormal sorrow and joy升降失常 abnormal upbearing and downbearing毛发变异 abnormalities of hair毛发变异 abnormalities of the hair偏衰 abnormally debilitated偏盛 abnormally exuberant偏盛 abnormally strong偏衰 abnormally weak逆 abnormal\HALT \ADJ舍 abode\HALT表情异常 abornmal expression堕 abort堕死胎 abort the dead fetus语际翻译 版权所有
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