- 中文饮食、菜名词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 醋椒活鱼 Stewed live fish in chili and vinegar
- 鸡茸粟米 Stewed millet with chicken
- 杂拌儿烩水果 Stewed mixed fruit
- 甜四宝丸 Stewed mixed fruits
- 红炆三鲜 Stewed mixed meat In brown sauce
- 烩罗汉斋 Stewed mixed vegetables
- 烩上素 Stewed mixed vegetables with bean curd
- 菜扒北菇 Stewed mushroom and vegetable
- 红烩羊肉 Stewed mutton
- 糊羊肉 Stewed mutton
- 烩羊肉 Stewed mutton
- 清炖羊肉 Stewed mutton
- 土豆洋葱炖羊肉 Stewed mutton with potato and onion
- 嫩鸡煨面 Stewed noodles with spring chicken and vegetable
- 红烧牛舌 Stewed ox tongue in brown sauce
- 红炆大蚝 Stewed oyster in brown sauce
- 烩蜜桃 Stewed peach
- 烩梨 Stewed pear
- 糊肘 Stewed pig′s hip
- 红炆猪肠 Stewed pig′s intestines in brown sauce
- 红烧海狗鱼 Stewed pike with mushroom
- 红烩丸子 Stewed pork balls
- 红烩猪排 Stewed pork chop
- 酱猪肉 Stewed pork in soy sauce
- 清炖蹄 Stewed pork rump