- 企业章程中英翻译数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 1.合营公司年度流动资金贷款的最高额及有关合营公司资产的购置、租赁、出卖或抵押等事宜; 1)deciding the top line of annual circulating capital and issues on purchasing, leasing and mortgage of assets in the joint venture company;
- 1.1 定义。 1.1 Definitions…
- 10.决定合营公司职工的住房及各项福利事宜; 10)deciding the plan on living houses and other welfare for staff and workers of joint venture company;
- 11.其它应由董事会决定的事宜。 11)deciding other matters which shall made decision by the board of directors.
- 2.合营公司的中止与解散; 2)discussing and deciding the termination and dissolution of the joint venture company;
- 3.合营公司与另一经济组织的合并、兼并与联合; 3)deciding the merger, affiliation and consolidation of the joint venture company with other economic organization;
- 4.合营公司注册资本的增加与转让; 4)deciding the increase and assignment of the registered capital;
- 5.按照中国政府的有关规定,制定合营公司职工的福利和工资制度; 5)deciding the system of salary and welfare for staff and workers in joint venture company in accordance with the relevant regulations of China;
- 5.设立合营公司的分支机构; 5)deciding to set up branches;
- 5.职工福利制度; 5)Detailed rules of staff and worker's welfare;
- 6.确定调整合营公司的组织机构; 6)defining and adjusting the structure of the joint venture company
- 7.决定合营年度经营方针和计划; 7)deciding an annual management strategy and plan;
- 7.决定合营公司从税后利润中提取储备基金、企业发展基金和职工奖励及福利基金的比例; 7)deciding the proportion of allocation for reserve funds, pension funds and bonuses from the taxed profits of joint venture company;
- 8.决定合营公司的保险种类和投保范围; 8)deciding the types and scope of insurances for joint venture company
- 9.决定合营公司年度利润分配方案; 9)deciding the plan on annual profits sharing;
- 9.关于董事会对总经理经营权限的授予; 9)deciding the scope of authorized power for the general manager;
- 4) 以保险或再保险公司、保险代理或保险经纪人的身份进行保险类业务,除非根据立法授权许可其进行该类业务; (d) carry on business as an insurance or reinsurance company, insurance agent or insurance broker, unless it is licensed under an enactment authorizing it to carry on that business;
- 4) 在英属维尔京群岛召开董事会或成员会议; (d) it holds, within the British Virgin Islands, meetings of its directors or members;
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