国家军品贸易局应当自收到申请之日起15日内,作出批准或者不批准的决定。 The State Bureau of Military Products Trade shall make an approval or decline decision within fifteen days upon receipt of the application. 依照前款规定采取非和平方式及其他必要措施,由国务院、中央军事委员会决定和组织实施,并及时向全国人民代表大会常务委员会报告。 The State Council and the Central Military Commission shall decide on and execute the non-peaceful means and other necessary measures as provided for in the preceding paragraph and shall promptly report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.??? 边境小额贸易减征或者免征关税的范围和办法,由国务院或者国务院授权的机关规定。 The State Council or the department empowered by the State Council shall also specify the duty reduction or exemption items of small-scale border trade and draw up detailed rules on such reduction or exemption.国家不主张、不鼓励、不从事核武器扩散,不帮助他国发展核武器。核出口仅用于和平目的并接受国际原子能机构的保障监督,未经中国政府允许,接受方不得向第三国转让。国家禁止向未接受国际原子能机构保障监督的核设施提供帮助,不对其进行核出口和进行人员、技术交流与合作。 The State does not support, encourage, or engage in the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and does not assist other countries in the development of such weapons. Nuclear exports are limited to peaceful purposes and are subject to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. Without the Chinese Government's consent, the recipient is not allowed to make transfers to a third country. The State prohibits assistance to nuclear facilities not subject to IAEA safeguards, and does not allow nuclear expports or personnel and technological exchanges and cooperation with such facilities.国家鼓励、支持企业事业组织、社会团体和个人,通过多种途径,投资进行人民防空工程建设;人民防空工程平时由投资者使用管理,收益归投资者所有。 The State encourages and supports enterprises, institutions, public organizations and individuals to invest in various ways in construction of civil air defense works. In time of peace, such works shall be used and managed by the investors and the income therefrom shall be owned by them.??? 国家在对外开放的口岸和海关监管业务集中的地点设立海关。海关的隶属关系不受行政区划的限制。 The State establishes the customs at the ports open to foreign countries and other localities where Customs affairs are concentrated. Administratively Customs offices are not subordinate to the government administration of various levels.国家根据国防建设的需要,结合城市建设和经济发展水平,制定人民防空工程建设规划。 The State formulates plans for construction of civil air defense works in accordance with the need of national defense and in light of the level of urban construction and economic development.国家禁止个人从事军品出口经营活动。 The State prohibits individuals in military export operations. 国家依法保护台湾同胞的权利和利益。 The state protects the rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots in accordance with law.上级国家安全机关或者有关部门应当及时查清事实,负责处理。 The State security organ at the higher level or the relevant department shall ascertain the facts without delay and be responsible for the handling thereof.国家安全机关和公安机关按照国家规定的职权划分,各司其职,密切配合,维护国家安全。 The State security organs and the public security organs shall, in accordance with the division of functions and powers as prescribed by the State, attend to their respective duties, and closely cooperate with each other so as to safeguard State security.国家安全机关及其工作人员在国家安全工作中,应当严格依法办事,不得超越职权、滥用职权,不得侵犯组织和个人的合法权益。 The State security organs and their functionaries shall, in their work for State security, act strictly pursuant to law, and may not exceed or abuse their authorities or infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of any organization or individual.国家安全机关在国家安全工作中必须依靠人民的支持,动员、组织人民防范、制止危害国家安全的行为。 The State security organs, in the work of State security, must rely on the people's support, and shall mobilize and organize the people to prevent and checked any act endangering the security of the State.国家以最大的诚意,尽最大的努力,实现和平统一。 The state shall do its utmost with maximum sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification.??? 在海关监管区外存放海关监管货物,应当经海关同意,并接受海关监管。 The storage of goods under Customs control at a place outside the Customs surveillance zone shall be approved by the Customs and subject to Customs control.测绘成果属于知识产权的,适用有关法律的规定。 The surveying and mapping results that come under the category of intellectual property shall be governed by provisions of relevant laws. 民兵的任务是: The tasks of the militia shall be:群众防空组织战时担负抢险抢修、医疗救护、防火灭火、防疫灭菌、消毒和消除沾染、保障通信联络、抢救人员和抢运物资、维护社会治安等任务,平时应当协助防汛、防震等部门担负抢险救灾任务。 The tasks to be performed by mass organizations for air defense in time of war include dealing with emergencies, doing rush repairs, providing medical aid, preventing and extinguishing fire, engaging in epidemic prevention, disinfection and sterilization, eliminating contamination, ensuring signal communications, rescuing people, doing emergency transportation of goods and materials and maintaining public order, and in time of peace they shall assist the departments for fighting against floods and earthquakes in dealing with emergencies and doing disaster relief.??? “保税货物”,是指经海关批准未办理纳税手续进境,在境内储存、加工、装配后复运出境的货物。 The term ""bonded goods"" means goods which have entered the territory with formalities of duty payment being exempted upon Customs approval and will be reshipped out of the territory after being stored, processed or assembled in the territory.??? “海关监管区”,是指设立海关的港口、车站、机场、国界孔道、国际邮件互换局(交换站)和其他有海关监管业务的场所,以及虽未设立海关,但是经国务院批准的进出境地点。 The term ""Customs surveillance zone"" means exports, railway and highway station, airports, border passes and international postal matter exchanges for which a Customs office is provided, other places where Customs control is conducted and places without a Customs office but have been approved by the State Council as a point of entry or exit.??? “海关监管货物”,是指本法第十七条所列的进出口货物,过境、转运、通运货物,以及暂时进出口货物、保税货物和其他尚未办结海关手续的进出境货物。 The term ""goods under Customs control"" means import and export goods enumerated in Article 17 of this Law, transit goods, transshipment goods, through goods, temporary import and export goods, bonded goods and other inbound and outbound goods for which Customs formalities have not been completed.??? “进出境运输工具”,是指用以载运人员、货物、物品进出境的各种船舶、车辆、航空器和驮畜。 The term ""inbound and outbound means of transport"" means various vessels, vehicles, aircraft and animals which enter or leave the territory for carrying passengers, goods and articles.??? “过境、转运和通运货物”,是指由境外启运、通过中国境内继续运往境外的货物。其中,通过境内陆路运输的,称“过境货物”;在境内设立海关的地点换装运输工具,而不通过境内陆路运输的,称“转运货物”;由船舶、航空器载运进境并由原装运输工具载运出境的,称“通运货物”。 The term ""transit, transshipment and through goods"" means goods which come from a place outside the territory and pass through the territory en route to a place outside the territory. Among them, ""transit goods"" are those passing through the territory by land, transshipment goods"" are those only changing the means of transport at a place having a Customs office and without passing through the territory by land, and ""through goods"" are those carried into and out of the territory by the same vessel or aircraft. 志愿兵服现役的期限,从改为志愿兵之日算起,至少八年,不超过十二年,年龄不超过三十五岁;军队有特殊需要,本人自愿,经军级以上机关批准,可以适当延长。 The term of active service for a volunteer shall be no less than eight years and no more than twelve years, counting from the day he changes to a volunteer, up to a maximum age of 35; the term may be extended appropriately upon approval by an army headquarters or a higher organ if the volunteer is specially needed in the armed forces and if he desires the extension.前款规定的临时征用物,在使用完毕或者戒严解除后应当及时归还; The things temporarily requisitioned, as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, shall be returned to the owner immediately after their use or after the martial law is lifted.