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(一)首脑机关;    (1) headquarters;
(一)暗藏式窃听、窃照器材;    (1) Hidden eavesdropping device or camera;
(一)持用无效出境证件的;    (1) holders of invalid exit certificates;
(一)纯度70%以上的肼    (1) Hydrazine with a concentration of more than 70 percent;
(二)持用他人出境证件的;    (2) holders of exit certificates other than their own; and
(三)持用伪造或者涂改的出境证件的。    (3) holders of forged or altered exit certificates.
(四)承办有关的涉外军事事宜。    (4) handling foreign-related military affairs.
(四)化学危险物品、放射性物品、剧毒物品等。    (4) hazardous chemicals, radioactives, deadly poisons, etc.
(四)用于上述第(三)项的陶瓷材料防热套及其部件    (4) Heat shields and components fabricated of ceramic materials used in Subitem (3);
(五)用于上述第(三)项的烧蚀材料防热套及其部件    (5) Heat shields and components fabricated of ablative materials used in Subitem (3);
(六)用于上述第(三)项的、用热容高的轻质材料制造的热沉装置及其部件    (6) Heat sinks and components fabricated of light-weight, high heat capacity materials used in Subitem (3);
8、铈    (h) Cerium.
8、对纤维表面进行特殊处理的设备    (h) Equipment for special fibre surface treatment;
8、生产固体推进剂用的压制设备    (h) Pressing equipment for production of solid propellant;
8、把设计资料转化为产品的工艺过程    (h) Process of transforming design data into a product
8、钛金属基复合材料    (h) Titanium matrix composite.
五、专门设计或改进用于第一部分第一项中各系统的液压、机械、光电或机电控制系统    5. Hydraulic, mechanical, electro-optical, or electro-mechanical flight control systems specially designed or modified for the systems in Item 1 of Part I.
1、生产液体推进剂用的贮运设备    Handling equipment for production of liquid propellant;
5、生产固体推进剂用的贮运设备    Handling equipment for production of solid propellant;
2、用来承受不小于418焦耳/平方厘米的热冲击和超压不小于50千帕的冲击波综合效应的加固结构    Hardened radome structure designed to withstand a combined thermal shock greater than 418 J/cm2 accompanied by a peak over pressure of greater than 50 kPa
2、铁素体-奥氏体微观结构(亦称""两相""微观结构),其中奥氏体的体积百分比最少为10%    Having a ferritic-austenitic microstructure (also referred to as a two-phase microstructure) of which at least 10 percent is austenite by volume;
3、具有以下任何形状:    Having any of the following forms:
(五)用于上述第(三)项的烧蚀材料防热套及其部件    Heat shields and components fabricated of ablative materials used in Subitem (3);
(四)用于上述第(三)项的陶瓷材料防热套及其部件    Heat shields and components fabricated of ceramic materials used in Subitem (3);
(六)用于上述第(三)项的、用热容高的轻质材料制造的热沉装置及其部件    Heat sinks and components fabricated of light-weight, high heat capacity materials used in Subitem (3);
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