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(一)雷达设备    (1) Radar systems;
(十五)生产环形激光陀螺用的矩形散射仪    (15) Rectangular scatterometer for ring laser gyro production;
(十七)生产环形激光陀螺用的反射计    (17) Reflectometer for ring laser gyro production;
  (二)征召的预备役军官和适合服现役的非军事部门的干部。    (2) reserve officers called into active service and cadres of non-military departments fit for active service.
  (二)预备役人员随时准备应召服现役, 在接到通知后, 必须准时到指定的地点报到;    (2) Reservists must be ready to be called into active service at any time and, as soon as they are notified, must punctually report at the designated places.
(三)导弹再入飞行器    (3) Reentry vehicles of missiles;
  (三)机关、团体、企业事业单位和乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府负责人,必须组织本单位被征召的预备役人员,按照规定的时间、地点报到;    (3) Responsible persons of government organs, public organizations, enterprises and institutions and of the people's governments of townships, nationality townships, and towns must see to it that the reservists in their respective units who have been called up report at the designated places on time.
(四)冲压喷气发动机    (4) Ramjet engines;
(四)拆除人民防空工程后拒不补建的;    (4) refusing to reconstruct the civil air defense works that were dismantled;
(四)多次浸渍的热解碳/碳材料    (4) Resaturated pyrolized carbon-carbon materials;
(六)红发烟硝酸    (6) Red Fuming Nitric Acid.
(八)抗辐射加固的电子装置和部件    (8) Radiation-hardened electronic devices and components;
一、再入飞行器组件、部件和相关技术    1. Reentry Vehicle Components and Technology Thereof
四、火箭发动机的壳体及为其专门设计的生产设备    4. Rocket motor cases and the specially designed production equipment therefor.
(一)雷达设备    Radar systems;
(八)抗辐射加固的电子装置和部件    Radiation-hardened electronic devices and components;
1、抗辐射加固的微型电路和探测器    Radiation-hardened microcircuits and detectors;
(四)冲压喷气发动机    Ramjet engines;
1、连续工作时的环境温度范围为-45摄氏度至+55摄氏度;或    Rated for continuous operation at temperatures from below minus 45 °C to above plus 55 °C;
1、能在-54摄氏度至+125摄氏度的温度范围内连续工作,并且    Rated for operation at temperatures from below minus 54 °C to above plus 125 °C, and
(十五)生产环形激光陀螺用的矩形散射仪    Rectangular scatterometer for ring laser gyro production;
(六)红发烟硝酸    Red Fuming Nitric Acid
一、再入飞行器组件、部件和相关技术    Reentry Vehicle Components and Technology Thereof
(三)导弹再入飞行器    Reentry vehicles of missiles;
(十七)生产环形激光陀螺用的反射计    Reflectometer for ring laser gyro production;
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