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中国国防与国家安全法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


??? (一)运输工具不经设立海关的地点进出境的;    (1) For a means of transport, to enter or leave the territory at a place without Customs office;
(二)捏造、歪曲事实,发表、散布文字或者言论,或者制作、传播音像制品,危害国家安全的;    (2) Fabricating or distorting facts, or publishing or spreading writings or opinions, or manufacturing or distributing audio and video products in order to endanger State security;
(二)不按照国家规定的防护标准和质量标准修建人民防空工程的;    (2) failing to construct civil air defense works in conformity with the protection standards and quality standards established by the State;
??? (二)不将进出境运输工具到达的时间、停留的地点或者更换的地点通知海关的;    (2) Failure to inform the Customs of the arrival and the departure time of the means of transport and the place of its intended stay or any change of the place during its stay;
(二)飞行控制软件和测试软件    (2) Flight control software and related test software;
??? (二)以牟利为目的,运输、携带、邮寄除前项所列物品外的国家禁止进出口的其他物品、国家限制进出口或者依法应当缴纳关税的货物、物品进出境的,数额较大的;    (2) For the purpose of commercial gain, to transport, carry or send by post into or out of the territory the goods or articles which are not listed above but also prohibited by the State from importation or exportation, and goods and articles in relatively large quantities or of relatively high value which are restricted by the State from importation or exportation or subject to Customs duties in accordance with laws and regulations;
(二)日常生活的陈设布置;    (2) Furnishings or ornaments in everyday life;
??? (三)进出口货物、物品或者过境、转运、通运货物向海关申报不实的;    (3) Failure to declare to the Customs accurately the import and export goods and the transit, transshipment and through goods;
(三)在20摄氏度温度下测得具有下列特性的人造细晶粒整体石墨    (3) Fine grain bulk artificial graphites having the following features measured at 20 °C:
(三)外国驻华使领馆、国际组织驻华代表机构和国宾下榻处;    (3) foreign embassies and consulates in China, representative agencies of international organizations in China and guest houses for leaders of foreign countries;
(三)全国人民代表大会常务委员会公报、国务院公报、最高人民法院公报和最高人民检察院公报的封面;    (3) Front covers of bulletins of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate; and
??? (四)不按照规定接受海关对进出境运输工具、货物、物品进行检查、查验的;    (4) Failure to submit to the checking and examination by the Customs of the means of transport, goods and articles in accordance with relevant regulations;
(四)伪造、变造、骗取或者转让军品出口项目批准文件、合同批准文件、许可证和接受国的有效证明文件等单证;    (4) Forge, alter, fraudulently obtain or transfer military export approval documents, contract approval documents, licenses, valid certificates from recipient countries, and other documents;
(四)国家出版的法律、法规正式版本的封面。    (4) Front covers of the official editions of laws and regulations published by the State.
  (四)确定服军官预备役的专职人民武装干部和民兵干部;    (4) full-time cadres of the departments of people's armed forces and cadres of the militia assigned to serve in the officers reserve; and
(五)制造民族纠纷,煽动民族分裂,危害国家安全的;    (5) Fomenting disputes among ethnic groups or inciting national separatism in order to endanger State security; and
??? (五)进出境运输工具未经海关同意,擅自装卸进出境货物、物品或者上下进出境旅客的;    (5) For an inbound or outbound means of transport, to load or unload inbound or outbound goods and articles, or to embark and disembark passengers without Customs approval;
??? (六)在设立海关的地点停留的进出境运输工具未经海关同意,擅自驶离的;    (6) For an inbound or outbound means of transport staying at a place where a Customs office is located, to leave without Customs approval;
??? (七)进出境运输工具从一个设立海关的地点驶往另一个设立海关的地点,尚未办结海关手续又未经海关批准,中途擅自改驶境外或者境内未设立海关的地点的;    (7) For inbound or outbound means of transport intended from one place having a Customs office to another place having a Customs office, to move out of the territory or to a point in the territory where there is no Customs office before completing the clearance formalities and obtaining the Customs approval.
??? (八)进出境运输工具,未经海关同意,擅自兼营或者改营境内运输的;    (8) For an inbound and outbound means of transport, to engage concurrently in, or change to, water transport within the territory without Customs approval;
??? (九)由于不可抗力的原因,进出境船舶和航空器被迫在未设立海关的地点停泊、降落或者在境内抛掷、起卸货物、物品,无正当理由,不向附近海关报告的;    (9) For an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft which by force majeure stops or lands at a place without a Customs office, or jettisons or discharges the cargo in the territory, to fail to report to the Customs nearby without a valid reason;
6、硼纤维增强的复合材料    (f) Boron-fibre-reinforced composite;
6、生产固体推进剂用的固化设备    (f) Curing equipment for production of solid propellant;
6、工程设计与技术规范    (f) Engineering designs and specifications
6、用于使元素和化合物气相沉积在被加热的纤维基体上的设备    (f) Equipment for the vapor deposition of elements or compounds on heated filament substrates;
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