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中国文化与知识产权法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)完善知识产权制度。    1. Improving the intellectual property system
十、确定对外合作出版项目,应分别不同情况履行审批手续:    10. In determining projects of co-operative publication with foreign countries, the following formalities of examination and approval shall, depending on the different circumstances, be carried out respectively:
十三、在对外合作出版工作中,各出版社之间要发扬社会主义协作风格,注意互通情报,对外协调一致,遇有分歧和矛盾,应内部协商或报上级机关协调解决。    13. In the work of publication in co-operation with foreign countries, it is imperative for various publishing houses to display the socialist style of co-operation among themselves, keep each other well informed, and work in co-ordination when dealing with foreign countries. Differences and contradictions, should they arise, shall be settled through consultations among themselves or mediation by higher authorities.
十四、在对外交往中,要严格遵守外事纪律,维护民族尊严和国家声誉。    14. In dealings with foreign countries, it is imperative to strictly abide by the disciplines related to foreign affairs and uphold our national dignity and state prestige.
二、对外合作出版,应注意了解国际图书市场的情况,维护我国作者和出版者的权益,在平等互利的基础上,在经济上有所收益。    2. In co-operation with foreign countries in publication, it is imperative to study the situation of the international book market, safeguard the rights and interests of China’s authors and publishers and, on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, achieve reasonable economic returns.
(三)组织管理不善,造成参赛者或者消费者重大伤亡的。    3. Improper organization and management which causes heavy casualties of contestants or consumers.
三、文物、商业、外贸等部门,要互相配合,加强协作。    3. It is imperative for cultural relics, commercial and foreign trade departments to co-ordinate their work and strengthen their co-operation.
三、要大力加强对知识产权法律实施的监督、检查工作,建立日常监督和重点检查相结合的机制。    3. It is necessary to strengthen energetically the supervision and inspection of the implementation of intellectual property laws and develop a mechanism combining routine supervision with inspection of key sectors.
(四)提高知识产权执法水平。    4. Improving law enforcement level concerning intellectual property
四、为了履行我国参加的《保护工业产权巴黎公约》和《伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约》的有关规定,加强对外经济技术贸易中的知识产权保护,要强化海关在保护知识产权、制止侵权产品进出境方面的职能,采取必要的边境措施,有效地制止侵权产品的进出口。    4. In order to carry out the relevant provisions in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, acceded to by China, and to strengthen intellectual property protection in foreign economic relations and trade, it is necessary to enhance the functions of the customs authorities in protecting intellectual propenty and stopping the import and export of infringing products, and to adopt necessary border measures to stop the import and export of infringing products effectively.
五、要加强新技术、新产品进出口中的知识产权保护工作。    5. It is necessary to strengthen the work of protecting intellectual property in the import and export of new technologies and new products.
(六)特定领域知识产权。    6. Intellectual property in specific area
九、为了明确双方的权利和义务,每个合作项目都应签订有一定时限的合同。    9. In order to specify the rights and obligations of both parties, a contract prescribing a time limit shall be signed.
(二)为商业目的进口、销售或者以其他方式提供受保护的布图设计、含有该布图设计的集成电路或者含有该集成电路的物品的。    ?(2) Importing, selling or otherwise distributing, a protected layout-design, integrated circuit incorporating a layout-design or article incorporating an integrated circuit for commercial purposes.
一、建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的文物保护体制    I.Building the Structure for the Protection of Cultural Relics Commensurate with the Socialist Market Economic System
使用国内已出版过的书稿,亦可支付适当的报酬,一般不超过原基本稿酬的百分之六十;    If a manuscript that has been published domestically is used, appropriate fees may as well be paid, which shall in general not exceed 60 percent of the original remuneration.
在全国重点文物保护单位范围内进行其他建设工程,必须经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和国家文化行政管理部门同意。    If an additional construction project is to be undertaken within the scope of protection for a major historical and cultural site to be protected at the national level, consent must be obtained from the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government and from the state department for cultural administration.
强制许可的理由消除并不再发生时,国务院专利行政部门应当根据专利权人的请求,经审查后作出终止实施强制许可的决定。    If and when the circumstances? which led to such compulsory license cease to exist and are unlikely to recur, the patent administration department under the State Council? may, after review upon the request of the patentee, terminate the compulsory license.?
商业、外贸等部门遇有交售文物者,应即通知当地文物部门处理;    If anyone comes to hand over or sell cultural relics to commercial or foreign trade departments, these departments shall immediately notify the local cultural relics department so that the case shall be properly handled.
因业务工作发生变化需要改变《许可证》规定的内容或者不再接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的,应当及时报请审批机关换发或者注销《许可证》,由审批机关按照本办法第六条的规定,报有关机关备案。    If changes in the work or business operations require alterations in the provisions of the permit or make it no longer necessary to receive television programs transmitted via foreign satellites, the unit concerned shall submit in good time to the examining and approving authorities a request for the issuance of a new permit or for the cancellation of the permit already issued and the examining and approving authorities shall report the case to the authorities concerned for the record in accordance with the provision of Article 6 of these Measures..
当事人没有在合同中订立仲裁条款,事后又没有书面仲裁协议的,可以直接向人民法院起诉。    If concerned parties have not inserted an arbitration clause into the contract, and there is no written arbitration agreement after the event, they may bring a lawsuit directly before the People's Court.
如不能协商一致,又无正当理由,任何一方不得阻止他方行使除转让权以外的其他权利,但所得收益应合理分配给所有合作开发者。    If consensus cannot be reached, and in the absence of any unusual reasons, neither party can prevent the other from implementing its exclusive rights, with the exception of the right of transfer to a third party. However, any benefits earned shall be fairly distributed among the co-authors.
经审查同意的,由申请单位报所在省、自治区、直辖市广播电视厅(局)审批。    If consent is granted thereto upon examination, the applying unit shall proceed to submit the application for examination and approval to the department (or bureau) of radio and television of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the applying unit is located.
调查、勘探中发现文物,应当共同商定处理办法。遇有重要发现,由省、自治区、直辖市文化行政管理部门及时报国家文化行政管理部门处理。    If cultural relics are discovered in the course of investigation and prospecting, measures for handling them should be jointly decided upon by the two parties through consultation. In case of important discoveries, the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government shall submit timely reports for handling by the state department for cultural administration.
外国驻华使(领)馆,以及其他享有外交特权与豁免的机构设置卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目,通过外交途径办理。    If foreign embassies (or consulates) stationed in China and other institutions which enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities intend to install ground satellite receiving facilities to receive television programs transmitted via foreign satellites, they shall handle the matter through diplomatic channels..
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