- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 计时佣船准所有人 time chartered owner
- 定期付费 time freight
- 定期付费 time freight
- 时限 time limit; time limitation
- 时限 time limit; time limitation
- 装卸时间记录表 time sheet
- 装卸时间记录表 time sheet
- 消灭时效 time-bar
- 消灭时效 time-bar
- 限期装船 timed shipment
- 限期装船 timed shipment
- 待定 to be nominated {= TBN}
- 待定 to be nominated {= TBN}
- 船舶吨位证书 tonnage certificate; certificate of tonnage
- 船舶吨位证书 tonnage certificate; certificate of tonnage
- 吨税;船钞 tonnage dues
- 吨税;船钞 tonnage dues
- 船吨责任限制 tonnage limitation
- 船吨责任限制 tonnage limitation
- 顶装式货柜 top loading container
- 顶装式货柜 top loading container
- 加满 top off
- 加满 top off
- 市况不稳 tottering market
- 市况不稳 tottering market