运价报备 tariff filing税捐附加费 tax surcharge税捐附加费 tax surcharge电报授权 telegraphic authority电报授权 telegraphic authority电汇 telegraphic transfer {= T/T}电汇 telegraphic transfer {= T/T}不确定订载 tentitive booking不确定订载 tentitive booking接头;码头区;终站;终端 terminal接头;码头区;终站;终端 terminal外围通栈服务费 terminal receiving system handling charge {= TRS handling charge}
外围通栈服务费 terminal receiving system handling charge {= TRS handling charge}
码头收货制 terminal receiving system {= TRS}码头收货制 terminal receiving system {= TRS}港埠货柜场收货服务费 terrminal receiving charge港埠货柜场收货服务费 terrminal receiving charge波罗的海国际海运同盟 The Baltic and International Maritime Conference {= BINCO}波罗的海国际海运同盟 The Baltic and International Maritime Conference {= BINCO}航程阶段论 theory of stages航程阶段论 theory of stages第三国运送人 third flag carrier第三国运送人 third flag carrier联运载货证券 through B/L联运载货证券 through B/L 语际翻译 版权所有
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