- 航运专业英语词汇翻译 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 按日计费佣船 daily charter
- 按日计费佣船 daily charter
- 每日盈余 daily surplus
- 每日盈余 daily surplus
- 鼠咬 damage by rats; rat eaten
- 鼠咬 damage by rats; rat eaten
- 延误损失 damage for detention
- 延误损失 damage for detention
- 残损货单 damage or exception list
- 残损货单 damage or exception list
- 事故报告;货物残损报告单 damage report
- 事故报告;货物残损报告单 damage report
- 受损状态 damaged condition
- 受损状态 damaged condition
- 危险货;危险品{可能损坏其他货物者} dangerous cargo
- 危险货;危险品{可能损坏其他货物者} dangerous cargo
- 海上货运单 data freight receipt
- 海上货运单 data freight receipt
- 报关日;装货日期 day of entry
- 报关日;装货日期 day of entry
- [装卸]延滞日数 days on demurrage
- [装卸]延滞日数 days on demurrage
- 净载重 dead or static load
- 净载重 dead or static load
- 载量;载重[量];静重;重锤 dead weight {= DW}
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